Friday, 16 September 2011

A Quote About Reading

      I always liked the quote "Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly." I read it in Inkheart ages ago, and I'm amazed I still remember it. I only read the book once, but I raced through it so fast that it was like I only tasted it. Most books I 'devour', but that's not the same as reading them. I do read fast - I can't really help it. But the books I really love are the ones I can go back to over and over again, and look at it a different way every time. Those are the ones that really stick with you.


  1. Which books fit the category of chewed and digested for you?

    A good start Emily.

  2. Great choice of quote and description. Also very true.

    Good job.

  3. Great job explaining what this quote means to you. I couldn't help but smile reading this quote as we don't usually think of tasting, devouring, or digesting our books in a literal sense. But, if you aren't literal with the quote, you find it's real meaning is so true! I agree with everything in your explanation, great post.
